Statement regarding scholarly cooperation in the light of current events

16 March 2022
ISOCM as an organization, and especially as an organization devoted to the study of Orthodox Christian music and culture of all kinds, naturally regards the atrocities being committed in Ukraine as barbaric and stands behind all attempts to bring peace and relief to the region.
It has been brought to our attention, however, that a number of scholars in Russia are afraid that they can no longer publish their work in journals and books abroad, especially given the cessation of international institutional ties. We would like to make it plain that ISOCM, which has members all over Russia and Ukraine, some of whom have spoken out against the war even at risk to their own lives, will not countenance sanctioning individuals in this way and cannot subscribe to the conflation of the institutional and the personal, or to judging our brothers and sisters. From its very foundation, ISOCM has welcomed and continues to welcome members of any religious affiliation or national origin, and has earned a reputation for encouraging dialogue between scholars and performers from the most diverse fields under the broad umbrella of church music from Orthodox and related traditions.
Russian scholars, wherever they live and work, are welcome to submit their work for publication by the ISOCM, whether in its Journal or in book form, and to participate, whether in person or virtually, in conferences, as are scholars from any other place in the world. Ukrainian, Russian and Belorussian scholars have no need be afraid that the ISOCM will support any attempt at the erasure of the cultural history of their countries.
The Board of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music