Eighth International Conference Call for Papers Announced

The International Society for Orthodox Church Music is pleased to announce the call for papers for the Eighth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music, with the theme “The Sounds of the Holy: From Manuscript to Performance”, which will be held at the University of Eastern Finland, in Joensuu, Finland, on 10–16 June 2019.
The Eighth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music aims to develop a number of aspects of themes discussed in previous conferences and published in their proceedings. The overall thematic title is “The Sounds of the Holy: From Manuscript to Performance”, understood as covering a wide range of perspectives, which include but are not limited to:
- performance studies and Orthodox church music
- the sensorium in Orthodox liturgical life
- the study of manuscripts in their liturgical/performance context
- soundscapes in historical and contemporary liturgical-performance studies and Orthodox church music
- the importance of historical performance/historically-informed performance in Orthodox church music
The programme also allows for free papers.
Submission of abstracts
If you are interested in giving a presentation of 20 minutes, please submit an abstract of 250 words by 31 January 2019 by e-mail to the Secretary of ISOCM: isocm.secretary(a)gmail.com. Please include the title of your presentation, your name(s), affiliations and contact information.
Papers based on the conference presentations will be published in the ISOCM conference proceedings. It is expected that all presenters submit their papers with necessary corrections and alterations in time for publication.
The language of the conference is English. Translation into English will be provided for papers presented in Russian or Greek, but this must be organized with the Secretary well beforehand. Please indicate your wish for translation when submitting your abstract.
Registration for the conference will be open from 1 January to 28 February 2019 on the ISOCM website.
Further information will be published on the ISOCM website. If you have immediate questions, please turn to the Secretary of ISOCM: isocm.secretary(a)gmail.com.