The Seventh International Conference on Orthodox Church Music
“Liturgy and Music”
Joensuu, Finland / 6-11 June 2017
Conference Schedule
The Seventh International Conference on Orthodox Church Music will be held at the University of Eastern Finland, School of Theology, Agora AT100, Yliopistokatu 4, Joensuu
Tuesday 6th June
09.45 - Refreshments
10:00 Opening Ceremony and Welcome Addresses
Welcome presented by:
Maria Takala-Roszczenko, Church Music, University of Eastern Finland
Opening of the Conference:
Ivan Moody, Chairman, ISOCM
Lea Ryynänen-Karjalainen
Chair of the Board of the University of Eastern Finland
Father Mikko Sidoroff,
Rector of the Orthodox Seminary, Finnish Orthodox Church
Book Launch
Creating Liturgically: Hymnography and Music.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, 3-9 June 2015
12.15 - First Session
Aaron Eldridge & Peter Drobac (USA):
The Problem of Pastiche: Temporality and Mimesis in Orthodox Musical Practice -
Monk Damaskinos of Xenophontos (Finland):
Descriptions of Vocal Techniques and Melody Types in the Typikon of St Sabbas -
Sister Sidonia (Freedman), (USA):
Trochees, Textiles, and Triptychs: The Synergy of Objects and Music in Liturgy
14.15 - Second Session
Svetlana Kujumdzieva (Bulgaria):
From Monophonic to Polyphonic Music: The Case of Bulgaria -
Bogdan Djakovic (Serbia):
The Art of Performing: Archive Recordings as an Important Source for the History of Serbian Orthodox Choral Music in the 20th century -
Mária Prokipčáková (Slovakia):
Prostopinije and Its Tradition in the Liturgy
18.00 Concert: Klyuch Razumeniya
Free evening
Wednesday 7th June
09.30 - Third Session
Andrew Mellas (Australia):
The Affective Experience of Wordless Melisma -
Alexandru Ioniță (Romania):
Kratimata – Merely Music? Theological Reflections on the Role of the Kratimata in the current Byzantine Office -
Natalia Mosyagina (Russia):
Литургия древнерусскими распевами
13.00 - Fourth Session
Ivan Moody (Portugal):
Liturgy and Cubism 2: Liturgy and Liminality in the work of Alexander Raskatov -
Natalia Koliko (Germany):
The Spiritual Universe of Alexander Knaifel’s “God” -
Nina-Maria Wanek (Austria):
Egon Welleszʼs Cantata Mirabile Mysterium between East and West
15.00 - Workshop I - Znamenny Chant (Nataliya Mosyagina)
17.00 Vespers (Church of St. John the Theologian)
18.00 Event at the Orthodox Cultural Centre
Thursday 8th June
10.00 - Fifth Session
Jenni-Tuuli Hakkarainen (Finland):
The Origins of the Paraliturgical Song Collection Vaeltajan lauluja -
Ardian Ahmedaja (Austria):
Arbëresh sacred Folksongs with regard to Religious Practice and Liturgy -
Alison Ruth Kolosova (Russia):
Vernacular Orthodox Liturgy in the Russian Missionary Context: a Case Study of the Chuvash in the late 19th and early 20th Century
13.00 - Sixth Session
Jenni-Tuuli Hakkarainen (Finland):
The Origins of the Paraliturgical Song Collection Vaeltajan lauluja -
Ardian Ahmedaja (Austria):
Arbëresh sacred Folksongs with regard to Religious Practice and Liturgy -
Alison Ruth Kolosova (Russia):
Vernacular Orthodox Liturgy in the Russian Missionary Context: a Case Study of the Chuvash in the late 19th and early 20th Century
15.00 - Workshop I - Znamenny Chant (Nataliya Mosyagina)
16.30 Vespers (Church of St. John the Theologian)
18.00 Reception hosted by the City of Joensuu
Friday 9th June
07:30 Divine Liturgy (Church of St. John the Theologian)
10.00 - Seventh Session
Galina Alekseeva (Russia):
The Mechanisms of Translation of Byzantine Art Values in the Spiritual Experience of Russia and Korea -
Victoria Legkikh (Austria):
The Russian Princely Service as an Unofficial Category -
Natalia Plotnikova (Russia):
Службы Божии Василия Титова как феномен литургической музыки эпохи русского барокко
13.00 - Eighth Session
Riikka Patrikainen (Finland):
Finnish Karelian Death Rites as a Pathway to the Sacred -
Girolamo Garofalo (Italy):
A ritual translation between East and West in Piana degli Albanesi (Sicily, Italy): the Byzantine Enkòmia of the Epitàphios Thrinos (the Funeral Lamentation) from the Orthros (Matins) of the Holy and Great Saturday to the Good Friday procession
14.30 - Ninth Session
Maria Takala-Roszczenko (Finland):
The Cantor in the Orthodox Church of Finland in the First Half of the 20th Century -
Costin Moisil (Romania):
Chanting in a Small Community Abroad: A Case Study
16.00 - Workshop III – Znamenny Chant
Saturday 10th June
09.30 - Tenth Session
Katherine Knocke (USA):
The Dwindling Liturgy: Sober Reflections on the Condition of Parish Choirs in the United States -
David Lucs (USA):
Blessed are the People who Know the Festal Shout -
Yulia Artamonova (Serbia):
Ivan von Gardner as a Researcher of Russian Church Singing
13.00 - Eleventh Session
Jopi Harri (Finland):
Music for Valaam Liturgy -
Iryna Gerasimova (Russia):
Svetlana Poliakova (Portugal):
The Commemorations of Meatfare Saturday and Sunday in the Oldest Russian Neumatic Sticheraria
15.00 - Fifteenth Session
Maria Matsushima (Japan):
Petros Sasaki’ Message to Church Musicians in Osaka – A Short History of Japanese Orthodox choral Singing -
Daniel Evans (India):
The State of Church Music and its Future – an Indian Perspective
16.30 Annual meeting of ISOCM
18.00 Vespers
19.00 Barbecue
Sunday 11th June
10.00 Divine Liturgy: Church of St Nicholas, Orthodox Parish of Joensuu
12.00 Lunch / Coffee (Parish hall)
2017 Conference
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