The Fourth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music
“Unity and Variety in Orthodox Music: Theory and Practice”
Joensuu, Finland / 6-12 June 2011
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The Fourth International Conference on Orthodox Church Music was held at the University of Eastern Finland, School of Theology, Agora AT100, Yliopistokatu 4, Joensuu
Monday 6th June
Opening Ceremony and Welcome Addresses
Welcome presented by:
Maria Takala-Roszczenko, Secretary, ISOCM
Opening of the Conference:
Ivan Moody, Chairman, ISOCM
Book Launch
Church, State and Nation in Orthodox Church Music
Proceedings of the Third International Conference, June 2009
First Session
Christian Troelsgård (Denmark):
Chant papyri and the New Jerusalem Tropologion – some early documents on the formation of the Orthodox chant repertories -
Serafim Seppälä (Finland):
Existence as a Song? The Mystical Ontology of Singing -
Ivan Moody (Portugal):
In Time and Out of Time: Theology in Sofia Gubaidulina's St John Passion and St John Easter
Second Session
Hilkka Seppälä (Finland):
Unity and variety of church music traditions: a theological view -
Yulia Artamonova (Russia):
Единство в многообразии. О пении "на подобен" [Unity in variety. Concerning singing “on podoben”] -
Simon Marincak (Slovakia):
Notes on the congregational participation in the Eparchy of Mukacevo
18.00 Concert of Orthodox Church Music, Lutheran Church of Joensuu
Georgian chanters, conducted by John A Graham
Greek chanters, conducted by Achilleas Chaldaiakis
19.00 Reception hosted by the Orthodox Church of Finland
Tuesday 7th June
Third Session
Thomas Apostolopoulos (Greece):
Levels of orality in Byzantine music -
Flora Kritikou (Greece):
The kalophonic settings of Stichera idiomela in the Byzantine and Cyprian traditions: convergences and divergences -
Michael Stroumpakis (Greece):
The interpretative tradition of Hymns in Athonite monasticism. Diversity and unity.
The first approach.
Fourth Session
Dimitrios Balageorgos (Greece):
Unity and variety in Orthodox music: The case of Great Doxology -
Evangelia Spyrakou (Greece):
Unity through variety in Christian choral traditions: The case of Byzantine choirs and
the Roman Schola Cantorum -
Achilleas Chaldaiakis (Greece):
Singing antiphonally: unity or variety?
16.30 Workshop – Georgian Chant, John Graham
17.30 Vespers
Reception hosted by the City of Joensuu at City Hall
Wednesday 8th June
Fifth Session
John A Graham (USA):
Unsung Melodies: Voice-crossing in Georgian Troparion Chants -
Ekaterine Diasamidze-Graham (Georgia):
Russian and Georgian Chant: the Phenomenon of their Coexistence in a Russian Orthodox Church in Tbilisi -
David Shugliashvili (Georgia):
Similarities and Differences in the Georgian Chant School Traditions
Sixth Session
Ivana Perkovic (Serbia):
Musical metaphors and symbols in Serbian liturgical poetry (Srbljak) and hagiography (žitija) -
Svetlana Kujumdzieva (Bulgaria):
Music for St. Petka of Tirnovo -
Albina Kruchinina (Russia):
Службы соловецким преподобным: общее и индивидуальное [Offices for the Solovetsky ascetics: common and individual] (in absentia)
Seventh Session
Nina Zakharina (Russia):
Стихира Успению Богородицы "Егда преставление" в древнерусских и старообрядческих певческих книгах [Sticheron for the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God “Egda prestavlenie” in ancient Russian and Old-Believer chant books] -
Jaakko Olkinuora (Finland):
The Doxastikon of the Aposticha for the feast of the Eisodia: a poetic-musical study
16.30 Workshop – Georgian Chant, John Graham
18:00 Annual meeting of the ISOCM
Thursday 9th June
Eighth Session
Melitina Makarovskaya (Russia):
О двух богослужебно-певческих традициях в современном поповском старообрядчестве [Concerning two liturgical singing traditions among contemporary Popovcy Old-Believers] -
Nicolae Gheorgita (Romania):
Observations on the Technique of Transcription
(έξήγησις) into the New Method of Analytical Music Notation of the Sunday Koinonikon of the 18th Century -
Natalia Ramazanova (Russia):
Две ветви старообрядческой книжности в Российской Национальной библиотеке [Two branches of Old-Believer literature in the Russian National Library] (in absentia)
Ninth Session
Bogdan Djakovic (Serbia):
The new identities of contemporary Serbian Orthodox church music: The Gypsy Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom by Zoran Mulic (2010) -
Ekaterina Sadikova (Russia):
‘Первый среди равных’: регент Свято-Тройцкой Сергиевой Лавры о. Матфей (Мормыль) [‘Primus inter pares’: cantor of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Matfey (Mormyl’)]
Tenth Session
Dmitry Chernyak (Russia):
Опыт прояснения метрики пространного пения в псалмах для употребления за богослужением в Единоверческих православных общинах [Exploration of the metric system of melismatic singing of psalms in liturgical service in the Edinovercy Orthodox parishes] -
Ardian Ahmedaja (Austria):
Fan S. Noli and musical practice in the Orthodox Church in Albania
15.30 Workshop – Georgian Chant, John Graham
17:30 Vespers at St. Nicholas Church, Kirkkokatu 23
Reception hosted by the Regional Council of North Karelia
Thursday 10th June
Eleventh Session
Irina Gerasimova (Russia):
Реквиальная служба Николая Дилецкого: вопросы реконструкции [Requiem by Nikolay Dilecki: questions of reconstruction] -
Daniel Galadza (Canada/Italy):
Russia, Ruthenians, and the Russicum: the Life and Work of Ludwig Pichler, S.J. -
Natalya Plotnikova (Russia):
"Реквиальная" Служба Божия Василия Титова: открытия и загадки ["Requiem" Divine Liturgy by Vasily Titov: findings and enigmas] (in absentia)
Twelfth Session
Costas Manoras (UK):
The musical traditions of the Choir in the Greek Cathedral St. Sophia London (presented by Theodora Adigun) -
Inge Kreuz (Germany):
Centonization in Old Russian Liturgical Chant
Thirteenth Session
Galina Alekseeva (Russia):
Память византийской традиции в русской певческой терминологии (на материале Азбуки XVII века БАН 32.16.18) [Reflection of Byzantine tradition in Russian singing terminology (on the basis of 17th century Azbuka from the Russian Academy of Science Library no. 32.16.18)] (in absentia) -
Petri Piiroinen (Finland):
Spiritual songs of the "Vaeltajan laulut" collection in post-war Finland
15.30 Workshop – Georgian Chant, John Graham
17:30 Vespers
19:00 Conclusion of the Conference
Saturday 11th June
Excursion to Tuupovaara and Ilomantsi
c. 12:30 Visit to the chapel of Christ "Not Made By Hands" in Tuupovaara, coffee
c. 13:45 Visit to the chapel of St Herman of Alaska in Kovero
c. 14:30 Visit to the Rune-singer's house in Parppeinvaara, Ilomantsi, lunch
18:00 Vespers at Prophet Elijah church of Ilomantsi
Visit to the Wine Tower (Hermanni's Winery)
20.00 Departure to Joensuu
Sunday 12th June
10.00 Divine Liturgy: Church of St Nicholas, Orthodox Parish of Joensuu